ABC Biblical Printables for Toddlers
I downloaded these pages and printed them out for Emme to color.
I already have a drawer for all the letters in each their own bags with things that start with the corresponding letter. I've meant to post pictures and more details-but I haven't yet.
But, with each bag we do a coloring page with that letter and a bible verse. Today we did A, because I just now found these PERFECT printables. It took me a while, I've found some before but they didn't have the bible verses on them, and some of the things were a little weird.
This is perfect for my time just with Emme while Michael is sleeping. I read my Bible every morning and today Emme came up to me and said "MINE!" And I said, Emme, this is Mommy's Bible, where is yours? So you said "No MY Bible"... and then grabbed my coffee cup and said "NO MY COFFEE".
LOL! Wow does she know her mom or what, just assumed coffee was in my cup ;-)
I love sharing things like this because it took me forever to find what worked perfectly for us. I can guarantee these 100% and if you don't want to download them, I can e-mail you the downloads from my computer and you can just print them out without saving.